About - International Ministers Alliance

International Ministers Alliance (IMA) is a non-denominational association and network of ministers and Sons and Daughters of The Prophet, who preach the gospel of Jesus Christ which cuts across all the continents of the world. The essence of IMA is to empower ministers of the gospel for the end time harvest, move and mandate of God. It is an avenue created for ministers to rise unto the higher calling in God.
As the able representatives of God here on earth, we His ministers must advance the cause of Christ in forceful strength, an unbreakable bond of oneness, a contagious and an unquenchable passion and, great triumph. We are here to sharpen one another, whilst learning and growing unto perfection till the church becomes the mirror image of the glory of the Father.
IMA is a ‘step-up’ advantage for any minister in these last days. It will afford you the privilege to be prophetically mentored and coached by great fathers of our faith; giving you the advantage of access to uncommon grace through the impact of these great will offer all ministers (irrespective of locality, nationality, status or the level of your ministry) under its coverage the opportunity to interact and rub minds with other ministers and ministries of impact across the globe. It will keep you a float in the river of fresh revelation, renewed zeal and guide you to discover newer realms of glory as the Spirit of God is never stagnated.
All ministers under the coverage of IMA will have the plus factor of various training sessions (based on the Word and the Spirit) which will be organized according to their zones and/or continents in the long run. Impartation sessions will be facilitated by renowned fathers in the ministry and other seasoned ministers of the gospel within and outside the organization, both locally and internationally.
This association will expand and spread by the networking of ministers, bringing them under the umbrella and coverage of IMA.

Our mission

– • To provide Prophetic mentorship, guidance, encouragement and support to all members through annual/international conventions, regional meetings, seminars, workshops, and thorough training sessions from experienced fathers in ministry all over the world.

– • To provide a proper avenue for fellowship with like-minded ministers thereby creating a beneficial affiliation with other ministers and ministries across the nations through our strong ministers’ network.


Please note that IMA does not seek to take charge or custody
of your individual ministries but, it seeks to bring out the
best in you the ministers through God’s refining fire.