– • IMA is open to all intending ministers of the gospel
(those who know that they have a godly mandate which they must fulfil in this generation),
young and up-coming ministers, pastors of and from (Church) ministries travelling missionaries or evangelists, deacons,
elders, church staff members or ministers from Christian ministries
which are not specifically churches, everyone who has a passion for,
and is ready to operate in the fire of the Spirit.
IMA is a call to oneness in the spirit of Holy Fire. Come; let us raise, spread and sustain
the fire that will herald the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


– • 1Timothy 4:12 – “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in words, in conversation, in charity =, in spirit, in faith, in purity”.

– • Colossians 4:17 – “And say to Achippus take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it”.

– • 2 Timothy 4:3 – “But watch thou in all things, endure affliction, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry”.

Having read and fully understood all expressed above, every member of IMA must commit to the following:.

– • Conduct your personal affairs and public ministry in way that honour God.

– • Follow and exhort at all times (in private and in public) to the teachings of the Holy bible.

– • Refrain from doing anything that would undermine your testimony as a minister and bring dishonor to IMA and the body of Christ universally.

– • Operate your personal life and ministry with integrity; financially, legally and morally and in every wise.

– • Be willing to receive counsel, advice, correction and any disciplinary measure (should you breach the accepted codes of conduct laid down by this association) given to you by our mentor (and founder of IMA). Apostle Courage Igene and the supervisory Board.

– • To abide in obedience and submission to the leadership of IMA within every aspect which your membership in IMA covers.

– • Never to use the name of IMA to operate outside its jurisdiction, or project IMA in bad light whether you are occupying the membership seat or any of its official seats.

– • To promote and advance the true cause which IMA stands to accomplish here on earth.

– • To foster by word and action at all times the bond of oneness in IMA.

– • To adhere to every policy of operation and remain flexible to positive change within the association.

– • To address any issue that may arise to the supervising or overseeing office rather than taking laws into your hands.

– • To accommodate and accept your fellows as one with yourself no matter their station, status or denomination.



– • To provide an avenue to access the uncommon graces of mentors and fathers and bridge the gap between fathers and sons in the ministry.

– • To train the next generation of leaders of the gospel in the ethics of the kingdom so that they can assume their individual roles in the kingdom without abusing it.

– • To correct and protect every member in their various ministries from being infected with wrong doctrines from false teachers or preachers.

– • To foster a strong friendship and fellowship bond between you and ministers of like minds within and outside your locality.

– • To impart and replicate the fire and the honour of the fathers who have gone ahead of us in ministry, upon-coming ministers and their ministries.

– • To assist you and your ministry reach the utmost height of God’s intention for you.

– • To enable you drink deeply from God’s hidden resources for a healthy and successful ministry.

– • To lead you from where you are to your future by helping you to see through the eyes of God the great vision He has for your life.

– • To help you to unleash God’s potentials stored up inside you and cause you to thrive impactfully in kingdom service.

– • To continually renew and reinvigorate all ministers of this present age with the spirit of fresh fire for effective ministry